Opportunities to Serve

Committees of Christ Lutheran Church

Building & Maintenance Committee

The function of the Building and Maintenance Committee is to maintain the upkeep of the building and the grounds. Updates to the building are done when needed and as funds are available. The lawn and flower beds are maintained throughout the summer. Clyde Tota, Committee Chairperson, is responsible to make sure all inspections are up to date and to have repairs done as needed. Everyone is welcome to join the Building and Maintenance Committee. Many hands make light work!!

Community Outreach Committee

The Community Outreach Committee focuses its efforts on reaching both church members and members of the greater Duncannon community. We do this through touch points with members (cards, phone calls, emails, in person visits, etc.), and through various community events. You will find our booth at almost all events and activities in Duncannon. If you would like to become more involved in this ministry, we welcome you!

Faith Formation Committee

We have two recurring offerings for Adult Christian Education. We meet every Tuesday at 1:00 to gather and discuss the readings for our weekly service. Our goal is to learn about the history and context of the text, and to discuss some of the themes that connect the readings We discuss things that we find uplifting, challenging, interesting, confusing, and wrestle with how they can help us build our faith. Tuesday Bible Study is held via zoom and texts are sent out weekly via email so that if you prefer to spend some devotional time on your own, you can do that too! Sunday mornings, we gather at the church for Adult Sunday School at 8:30 am. In 2024, we will begin meeting to discuss ideas for other events and programs that can support building and enriching our community’s faith through a variety of activities, programs, and studies. Please consider joining this committee. The more voices we have, the more ideas we bring! More to come on this!

Fellowship Committee

The Fellowship Committee is responsible for organizing events that bring the congregation together for fun activities, events, meals, and general time for fellowship with one another. Activities have included a lunch and card party, bowling, turkey dinner, Christmas party and cookie auction, to name just a few. This committee also helps organize fundraisers. They also assemble gift bags and gift baskets for our homebound members. Oh, and don't forget Christmas Caroling!

Finance Committee

As good financial stewards, the Finance Committee closely monitors and manages the finances of Christ Lutheran Church. Our committee meets at least one time per month on the Monday evening prior to our Church Council meeting. We review the monthly Treasurer’s reports, discussing the financial results and trends. We compare income and expenses to our annual budget as well as prior year results, and explain all unusual transactions. A monthly report of the committee is submitted to the Council. In addition, the committee discusses other important financial matters such as: financial policies, procedures and controls; cash balances and investments; insurance matters; audit issues; and, ideas to reduce expenses as well as encourage greater contributions to the church.

Budget Committee

The Budget Committee generally meets once per year to prepare a draft annual budget which is submitted to the Congregational Council for preliminary review at their October meeting. The annual budget is adjusted and approved at the November Council meeting and presented to the Congregation at the annual Congregational Meeting in November.

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee generally meets once per year to conduct a thorough review of the financial activity of our church. This includes a review of contributions and other income, expenses and disbursement procedures, bank accounts, payroll transactions and insurance. The objective is to ensure that our financial records are complete and accurate, and adequate financial controls are in place.

Mutual Ministry Committee

This committee meets on the first Tuesday of every month. We discuss any issues that may arise and work towards an appropriate resolution. We are also tasked with completing annual staff evaluations. If you have any concerns for the church, talk to one of our members and we will address it.

Newsletter/Communications Committee

The Newsletter/Communications Committee is responsible for the production of our quarterly newsletter, The Herald, as well as creating and maintaining the church website. The website is updated weekly with the current bulletin. Additional updates are made as warranted. A robust calendar of events is included along with videos of our most recent services. Anyone can submit information for both of these methods of communication.

Social Ministry Committee

The Social Ministry Committee works to help people in the church and community by planning various projects. We provided food baskets to 10-12 families for Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas. The committee works with Join Hands and Neighbors Helping Neighbors to collect various items needed throughout the year. We also pick other organizations that need items. One example is collecting for animals at the Perry County Rescue. We plan and serve meals after funerals, with a lot of help from the congregation. At Christmas, we collect toys for children and items for the elderly in the community. Each November, we host a meal for the Golden Age group from Duncannon. We also prepare gifts for our homebound and shut-in members for Easter and Christmas.

Worship & Music Committee

The Worship and Music Committee works with the pastor and organist to plan music and worship services throughout the church year. As the liturgical year changes, so can the liturgy settings in the ELW. The committee works to engage the congregation in the beauty of the Lutheran liturgy in new settings as well as familiar ones. This committee meets prior to Advent, Lent and Easter to plan the services for these church seasons, as well as other additional services, such as Holocaust Remembrance, Remembrance of Indigenous People, and the Martin Luther King service.